I have a gift of words. I am not the world's best poet - yet, but God has given me a gift to be able to write what others have acknowledged as good poetry. In today's blog, I am reproducing a poem that I submitted to the BBC website on the occassion of Nelson Mandela's birthday. They had asked people to send in their poems in celebration of the great man's birthday. I am happy that mine was one of those deemed good enough to be publised on the day. Here it is:
For Nelson Mandela
I wish I was there
Grandfather, In your fiery bosom where
All our hopes cocooned
Birthed a rainbow moon
You wanted it this way
Aged one, to make today
Sing the song your shackles taught us
Forgiveness our pain must reverse
We dare to dream now
Africa’s father, though we know
The dragons you fought are not yet dead
But they will see red
© Olusegun Oyedele 2006
I have other poems that are published online. If you are interested, you may check them out on this website. Just do a search of the website using the provided boxes. Enter the last name "Oyedele" and the first name "Olusegun". Enjoy.
For Nelson Mandela
I wish I was there
Grandfather, In your fiery bosom where
All our hopes cocooned
Birthed a rainbow moon
You wanted it this way
Aged one, to make today
Sing the song your shackles taught us
Forgiveness our pain must reverse
We dare to dream now
Africa’s father, though we know
The dragons you fought are not yet dead
But they will see red
© Olusegun Oyedele 2006
I have other poems that are published online. If you are interested, you may check them out on this website. Just do a search of the website using the provided boxes. Enter the last name "Oyedele" and the first name "Olusegun". Enjoy.