Wednesday, July 02, 2008

What is truth?

A very powerful regent once asked the question, What is truth? The regent of Judea was asking Jesus this question, to which he did not await a reply. Or was he afraid of what the answer might be? Lest he be exposed for having built his whole career on mere opinions and not on solid truth.

All around us, there is no shortage of opinions, all competing for our mind, our money and our morals. But at the crucial times in our lives, we would rather have the truth than 10,000 opinions. Consider these scenarios: You feel a sharp pain in the chest. Is it indigestion, or a heart attack? A child fails to arrive from school on time. Is she with friends, or is she lost? A particular stock has begun to dip. Is it in free fall or just suffering a temporary blip?

We make hundreds of decisions everyday based on what we believe the 'truth' to be, in our particular circumstances. On the face of it, not every decision that we make is as important as the next one, yet from life experience we know that relatively insignificant decisions have on occasion turned out to be spectacularly significant. History is full of these so-called happenstances. Friends, every decision we make is potentially life-changing. It is therefore crucial that every decision we make be based on truth.

What is truth? Some will say that truth depends on what you are talking about, whom you are talking to and what the aim is that you want to achieve. Very quickly though, we come to realize that shifting, chopping and changing truth cannot be truth at all. In each of the scenarios that I gave above, truth cannot afford to be equivocal. The diagnosis is either indigestion or else a heart attack; the child is ether lost or safe and the stocks are either safe to buy or not. As human beings we need certainty. Truth offers that certainty, which has been eroded by the relativistic world that we now live in, where there is no black and white; everything is in shades of gray.

Truth offers certainty, and related to it, in fact because of it, truth requires that we choose sides and decide whether we will act or fail to act on what we perceive to be truth. Jesus said "Everyone on the side of truth listens to me". Are you listening? Be blessed today.


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