Thursday, February 16, 2006

Food for thought

Today, we are considering this verse of scripture Revelations 2 verse 17 (New Living Translation)

Anyone who is willing to hear should listen to the Spirit and understand what the Spirit is saying to the churches. Everyone who is victorious will eat of the manna that has been hidden away in heaven. And I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it.

This verse reveals to us some aspects of God’s nature – the kind of person that He is, and how He would like to relate to us. I will share four brief points on these issues.

First, God offers an invitation to anyone who is willing. God never forces us to accept Him. You are invited to relate to Him purely on the basis of your free will. However, once one is willing to relate to God, vistas of possibilities open up and one begins to really understand what God is about. In the above verse, anyone who is willing listens, and only then understands what the Spirit is saying. Our obstinate heart simply shuts the door of understanding against us.

Second, spiritual victory is tied to the ability to hear and understand what the Spirit of God is saying. Right after throwing the invitation for the willing to hear and understand the words of the Spirit, the Writer immediately begins to talk about victory. In
another place
in the scriptures, Jesus said

Be sure to pay attention to what you hear. The more you do this, the more you will understand--and even more, besides. To those who are open to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But to those who are not listening, even what they have will be taken away from them.”

Third, God gives and gives. In this verse alone, He gives two things – the hidden manna and the white stone engraved with a new name. Throughout the Bible, God is portrayed as Someone who delights and takes great pleasure in giving to anyone who comes to Him in an acceptable way. It is only fair that God stipulates the attitude we must possess in order to receive His gifts. The main, if not the only condition that I know, which God prescribes for a would-be recipient of His gifts is humility. In the above reference His gifts are for anyone willing to hear.

Finally, God desires an exclusive relationship with anyone that wants to relate to Him. In the Old Testament, the commandment was “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” In the above passage, God will give the victorious person the hidden manna, a type of food that is mysterious or exclusive. Furthermore, such a person will receive an engraved name known only to the recipient and of course known to Him who gives the name. He knows all things. So we see a secret food and a secret name. How come so many secrets? Because God desires exclusivity between you and Him. He wants a divine romance with you. And just as lovers share secrets known only between them, God wants to share His secrets with you. Only one question remains. Are you willing to hear and listen to what the Spirit is saying? Be blessed as you give Him room in your life.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Making profit

Another thing that pleases God is when human beings make profit or produce increase in their life endeavours. In the book of Isaiah chapter 48 verse 17, God says that it is He who teaches us to make profit. All commercial activity is geared towards making a profit. Even non-commercial ventures aim to make profit or increase or a positive contribution in some way or the other.

In our passage, each of the servants who brought a smile to their master’s face said, “I have gained more with what you gave me……I have made a profit” We are not told about their hard work or the difficulties that they encountered in order to achieve what they did but we know that they must have given their assignment some effort. And that is the point that I am making in today’s blog. What effort are you putting into your life’s assignment? Are you daily purposefully doing something to get you to where you have always wanted to be or are you simply talking or dreaming about it? It is time to stop talking and to start doing something positive to move in the right direction. At the end of our lives, we ought to be able to say to anyone who would care to listen, but more importantly to our Creator, “See, I have made a profit…” May the Lord bless you and rouse you to positive action about your life assignment TODAY.

This posting concludes the series on Things that please God, a meditaion on the Bible passage Matthew 25:14-30.