Thursday, January 26, 2006

Things that please God

I have been AWOL from my blogs for a couple of weeks and it is a joy to return. In the next series of blogs, I will be dealing with the above topic using a familiar Bible story as my inspiration. You can read the Bible passage here then return to my page.

Living dangerously
In the story that we just read, we saw three servants. I’d like to give them names. The 1st servant, I’ll call Far Out. Let’s call the 2nd servant Stand Tall and the 3rd one Left Out. The master was pleased with Far Out and Stand Tall and we can see him commend and celebrate them. But not so for Left Out. He got the master’s harsh words and even punishment.

One reason that I think Left Out missed out on the good times was that he chose not to live dangerously. He preferred to sit within his comfort zone and not take any risks. Listen to what he said: “I was afraid……” His fear cost him his future. As I thought on this passage, I wondered what Left Out was afraid of. Perhaps you can think of a few reasons why this servant would have been afraid to invest his master’s money or even to deposit it in a bank. Here are a few of his reasons, I imagine.

“What if I invest the money and lose it all, then my master will be really mad at me!”
“I may not make any profit”
“I may make a profit and then my master will take it all away, leaving me with all the work and none of the profit”
“Investment is too risky. Something bad may happen to me as I jostle in the fierce market place”
“I don’t have what it takes. I’ll make a fool of myself”

You get the picture. I’m sure you are familiar with similar excuses in your own life, for these aren’t valid reasons for not launching out in search of dividends. They are excuses and in retrospect we see how lame these excuses are.

God is pleased with us when we take risks in search of what our heart longs for. In search of what we somehow know that we ought to be doing. Conversely He is displeased with us when we refuse to step on the water and we play it safe.

The next time that you give yourself an excuse for not doing something risky but necessary, check your motives. Can you afford to live life on your couch, dreaming of a good life but not willing to take the steps that guarantee such a life? What is your excuse? It is time to live dangerously and reap the rewards reserved for those who dare.


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