Tuesday, January 03, 2006

For real

I'll admit it upfront. My worldview is shaped by my Christian faith. This means that at some point in my lifetime, I chose to think and live by the dictates of a man called Jesus Christ. Some call him a myth, others say he's just a made up story by religious leaders bent on controlling people for their own selfish means. Well, I have a simple response. Each one of us came into the world blank. We are shaped by our background, family ties or lack of them, by what people we respected told us, the schools we attended, by the books we read and so on. So, really very frankly we've all been brainwashed. Only that as we go along in life, we conciously or unconsciously choose who briainwashes us. We choose who we believe. You will realize that there are people in the world who have a sort of siege mentality. They see conspiracy theories everywhere. Others are not so extreme. They are actually rational and believe that there must be a scientific explanation for all observed events. There are others of Eastern leanings who believe in this or that energy ebbing and oozing through people, and that is what controls their destinies. Among all these competing voices, who or what guides our lives? Do we need a guide?

This blog is dedicated to attempting to answer these questions from the sayings of Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus Christ is for real. He lived about 2000 years ago as most historians would agree. He said and did lots of amazing things. What gets me most about his life though was his love for ordinary people- the underdogs. I'm like that. I really love the underdogs and wish every day to do something to make them better or smarter or better able to take on the big guys. I love films like Braveheart and Gladiator for this reason. But that's not all that my blogs will be about. I will also be sharing my thoughts on other matters - politics, science, art, poetry and whatever else catches my fancy. I hope you'll join me. You're free to share your own thoughts on my blogs on one condition. Let's keep our comments civil and respectful. See you soon.


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