Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Blogging daily.......er.. or at least more frequently

I have resolved to post a new blog daily, or at least more frequently. I intend to share meditations from a verse a day. My new A-verse-a-day- project will ensure that I communicate with you out there, giving you what I believe is a fresh thought from God everyday. So, here goes....

I Kings 18:31 (New King James Version)
And Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of the LORD had come, saying, “Israel shall be your name.”

Elijah had just had some false prophets perform an elaborate song and dance purporting to call down fire from heaven by the help of their god Baal. Of course, nothing happened. Now Elijah was attempting to call down fire from heaven upon a sacrifice that he was preparing. The goal: the God that sends down fire is the real God.

The whole exercise would have been unnecessary, except that the nation of Israel at this time had gone completely apostate and had begun to serve Baal. In the end, God did send down fire from heaven and the faith of His people was restored.

My thoughts on the verse above are these: on the path to rediscover a lost faith, a lost goal or a forgotten passion, we need to:
  1. Rebuild broken habits, like prayer, Bible study and solitude.
  2. Recognize that our habits have far-reaching influence, just as each of the twelve stones stood for a whole tribe of people. They were not just empty rituals; they affected peoples lives. Each day that we stand before God in prayer, we probably are representing millions of people.
  3. Remember the original Word that we heard from God. The stone altar that Elijah was building reminded him of the original word of God to the head of the clan (Jacob) that said, "Israel shall be your name", or like a version that I love puts it, "Israel is thy name." No 'ifs', no 'buts'. Your identity is sealed in heaven - you are a Prince with God.
It helps in times of doubt, fear, insecurity or dry spiritual seasons, to remember God's original word to you. And believe it again.
Be blessed today.


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